
“Photo courtesy of DeAndra Jarboe Photography”

Your heavenly Father sings over you all the time, were you aware of that? Zephaniah 3:17 says He sings over you with JOY! For about 15 years now I’ve been singing over people as Yahweh’s minstrel, His singer, and bringer of joy and peace through Zephaniah Singovers. If you are looking for help or inspiration through personal ministry, you’ve come to the right place. Those who have received a Zephaniah Singover from Holy Spirit singing through me have been changed, healed, and touched deeply by the Father’s amazing love for them as He expresses it in song. As I study to understand the difference between spirit and soul, as Hebrews 4:12 talks of, I find that my spirit is made to have dominion over my soul and body. This is done under the auspices of Holy Spirit. The Zephaniah Singover, the crux of Hearts Triumphant, is a ministry to your spirit to help enlarge it so it is open to all that God has destined for you. The Body of Christ needs and highly values this ministry. Check out the Zephaniah page.

I’ve been married to the same man for 42 years now. 3 of our 4 children are married and serving God, and they’ve given us 12 grandchildren so far. We are blessed and continue to grow in the ways of Yahweh. Life is good. I want to share His life with you!

Be blessed with peace and joy, and know that your Father is singing over you all the time!