The deep freeze Texas encountered in February of this year brought death to many plants and trees. Our Indian Hawthorn did not survive, although one bush held on to life which had some of its branches and leaves hidden underneath a pile of leaves. The Live Oak trees really suffered and dropped ALL their leaves. They’re coming back but they look funny. The poor fig bushes/trees were frozen to the core all the way to the ground. Obviously they’re not cold hardy. We had to pull up their thick limbs which left only bare spots in the ground where these two beauties had only last year given us and the mockingbirds a bumper crop.
Now understand, we love our figs. Dried, in jam on top of toast, or eaten right off the bush–they are absolutely Edenic. And the mockingbirds fuss with us over who gets them. The freeze brought with it a reality of death and hopelessness. BUT– not a death of faith! I decided I would speak to those figs to declare God’s goodness and life over them, praying for a resurrection. Maybe a month later I saw some bits of green coming up from old roots in the ground. What do you know!?!
The unretouched picture above was taken 5 months after the freeze. The bushes/trees are taller than I am now! That would have been enough for me, knowing they were alive, but do you know what else God did? He did more than I could have asked: He made figs come on in the same season! I never expected that. They will be much later to pick than normal, but if we have a warm September I might get a harvest. I have already eaten 2 or 3 that ripened early and oh, were they wonderful! Taste and see that the Lord is good!!!
Take your authority and speak life to hopeless situations and I bet you’ll be amazed.