What is our position on this earth as well as in the Kingdom of God?
In Isaiah 11:2 we find the seven Spirits of God that stand before His throne. These are our tutors: The Spirits of revelation, wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and fear of the Lord. They each have different functions and give us access to themselves freely as we live in Christ Jesus. Can you imagine living in revelation where you don’t have to seek anything out? Or having so much wisdom that you always know to do the right thing? How about having all knowledge where you never needed to look at an encyclopedia or dictionary? And no more misunderstanding your spouse, because you have the Spirit of understanding!
Of course, we live in mortal bodies made of flesh while our soul and spirit soar into unknown realms at times. But we are whole beings, tripartite like the Trinity. Spirit, soul, and body. Yahweh says we are seated in heavenly places in Christ. Since we cannot separate our tripartite nature, that must mean that even our bodies are seated up there. Hmmmmm. How can this be? Because there are unseen realms where Yahweh lives and He has drawn us up there to live, even while we wander around on this earth.
Because of this placement in the heavenlies, we may go to the throne and seek the help and the tutelage of the seven Spirits. He gives revelation to mandate us for our position in Christ. He trains and qualifies us for the work He has cut out for us. Ezekiel called out to the dry bones by the Spirit of revelation and they came to life. Wisdom helps us discern between good and evil and equips us for our position in Christ. The box of mysteries is unlocked. The Spirit of Understanding authorizes us for position. Seeking the ancient paths we find this Spirit leads us in the good way. The Spirit of Counsel shows us how to access Yahweh’s counsel and prepares us for our position. Our Creator has counseled our spirits, souls, and bodies in their daily functions how to live in this world as well as heavenly realms. The Spirit of Might reveals us for position. David not only had stones and a sling to slay the giant, he held the victory in his hand before he slung the first stone. Might gave him the strategy to end the giant’s mocking of Yahweh and His people. Knowing how to meditate on the Word of God and receive personal insight is the work of the Spirit of Understanding. This Spirit empowers us for our position. Lastly, the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord brings us to accountability for our position. Here we are taught about awe, wonder, majesty, might, and dominion. He brings us into Yahweh’s divine order.
Does this mean that because we have access to the seven Spirits of God we never need to consult a Bible or a dictionary or wise people? Of course not! Yahweh may speak to us through all those things. But I counsel all of us to seek first the blessings of the sevenfold Spirit of God which stands before His throne, ready to help us whenever we need. We have the privilege to exercise our spiritual senses to know the way these Spirits work, as well as how they can help us move mountains for the glory of God! We have an amazing position in Christ Jesus.