What is a mystic? I remember when I was young and single a lady from the church we both attended told me she always thought of me as mystical. Really? I was mystified! Simply in love with Jesus is how I live. And it showed in my countenance.
I’ve been studying a bit about mystics and what prayer is. One man says that prayer is God speaking followed by my reception of His word in my consciousness with signs following. I believe that Christ is in us the moment we ask/trust/believe Him, although He gave all of us a conscience from our very beginning. Opening our gateways allows Him to manifest answers to our prayers. Another man says that the Glory of God is in our inner core, and that we let Him make His way into the world through the first gateway we control: our first love with Jesus.
I’m not seeking experiences/events/exaltations as I seek to understand more of what mysticism is. I simply want to go deeper, higher and forward with Yahweh. Sometimes the DAILY of our lives means we don’t have time for things like this. The children need to be taken care of, the garden needs planting and weeding, our husbands need tending, dishes pile up, and on and on. But if we have constant consciousness of Christ Jesus INSIDE our very being, we have that peace that passes understanding and may still walk in joy as well as all of the virtues God has in His storehouse!
I recently spent a month living with my son and daughter in law and babysitting two grand daughters. I would fall into bed at night exhausted. I’ve still got some energy, but I’m not 30 anymore! My husband and I agreed before I left that every night we would talk on the phone, read our chapter of Scripture and then have prayer time for our family and world concerns. That kept me going, as well as the knowledge that Abba lives inside me and is my constant strength. The mystical part, I guess, is that my joy never abated, nor my peace. I did miss my times of personal worship, but would try to get that in for a minute or two if the house was quiet.
My point is that living a mystical life may not be spending hours in front of a cross, or kneeling at an altar, or denying oneself food or comfort. Daily surrendering my will to that of Abba, watching what He is doing, and looking at my situation with wisdom’s eyes as I’m seated in heavenly places, that is the mystical. I pray you find your place of rest in the goodness of God today and that you will experience Him in a greater way than ever before, even if the manifestation mystifies.