Here in Texas, after it’s been dry and we experience a rainfall, these beautiful little flowers pop up all over our yard which is really a meadow on the prairie. They’re called rain lilies. When we first moved to our 5 acres 32 years ago, one of my sons and I identified nearly all the wildflowers throughout the seasons. This one was unfamiliar to me because I had never seen them in Minnesota where I grew up as a child . In the midst of the brown prairie, these tender little things shyly show their beauty for a few days, then they’re gone. My grand daughter recently picked a bouquet for me. We placed them in water, and the next morning, they had closed a bit and the base of the petals were much pinker. It delighted her because her favorite color is pink!
Rain lilies appear no matter how hot the weather. They simply need a bit of moisture to thrive, and they demonstrate that God cares about the land. Do you feel dry and forgotten? Maybe you are dry, but you are not forgotten! Drink from the Living Water found only in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He promises that His well never runs dry and once you drink from it, you’ll never thirst again! How do you do that? Read His Word! It is food more necessary than the physical stuff you eat. You cannot live life the way God intended without the Word of God flowing through you.
Do you want health? Do you need finances for food, clothing and shelter? Do you have a ministry in mind but you need help? God knows all of this. Continuously He holds out His Word to us which says, “Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, and ALL these things will be added to you.” He doesn’t want us to only survive, He wants us to THRIVE. If you desire to bless others, you must first be blessed by the Lord. It is for HIS glory, not ours, that our needs are met and our desires granted to be a blessing to those in our sphere of influence. “May you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2
Rain lilies remind us of God’s loving care for all things small and great and that He desires for us to thrive. In the midst of trials, dryness or pain, He holds out His hand of blessing that we may come to Him with grateful hearts. What promises are you holding on to?