We have been given an amazing gift from heaven’s treasury: the mind of Jesus Christ. It is an unconditional gift we receive when we believe on everything Jesus did for us. That simple. So that means because He is a king, WE also have a royal mindset! By adoption the Father made us His children, His heirs to the Kingdom. How do the sons of the King act and think and speak?
The mind of Christ gives us discernment to know how to live our lives. Remember that royalty has the mindset that what they decree and declare will be put into effect, bear good fruit and bless the Kingdom. We can feel confident when we pray for something to happen that it will occur because we are in relationship with that holy Mind. Intimacy with our God is THE most important thing in order for us to be able to do His will here on earth.
Since we are royalty now and seated in heavenly places near the throne of God, we can make decrees and declarations based on His Word to bring His kingdom to earth. Do you need peace? Call on the mind of the God of Shalom (peace). Do you need healing in body or soul? Call upon Jehovah Rophe (the God of healing). Do you need a job or provision of some kind? Call upon the God of provision, Jehovah Jireh. Ask for His mind to bring you to remembrance of His Word to know how and what to pray in each case. Are you praying for lost souls? Ask Jehovah Tsidkenu (God of Righteousness) to touch their minds so that they will see and hear the Father for themselves.
The Father (Abba) has adorned His royal children with pearls and precious gems so we may shine like stars to the nations. Pearls and gems are His Word and deeds, His virtues, gifts, and graces, as well as our decrees and declarations to bring the Kingdom to earth. May we find the Pearl of Great Price and embrace His love for us and enter into His mind for the greatest joys of our lives!
Thank you Jenifer for such a vivid picture of how as God’s children can “shine like stars” for those that don’t know Abba and the importance of constant intimacy with Him in order to do His will on Earth.