The whole theme of this website is walking in God’s triumph. I have explained in a previous post about what a triumph is: a public acclamation for tremendous victory. It’s almost too much to take in that we get to walk with the One who fought the battle, attained the victory, handed it to us on a silver platter, and then called us to walk in His triumph!
One day a few weeks ago I felt like vertigo was coming on from being too exhausted the previous week. I was helping my husband format his latest book and was stumped by something. I asked God to show me, because I really had no clue what to do in this particular program. Fairly quickly, He showed me and I jumped up and started praising Him for the answer. Because honestly half the time I figure out something like that in a computer program, I have no idea HOW! I sang the loudest and happiest songs I could sing and play at the piano! To my wonder, immediately after that there was not a trace of the vertigo feeling. He brought me into that beautiful walk with Him full of accolades for what Jesus did in me. His beautiful Son took me by the hand and dances with me through life in a Triumph. Wow. The Triumph truly is REAL!