‘not alone’ is a video to celebrate the life God gives us.
‘not alone’ is a short video of part of Psalm 139 that reminds you that you are important to your Heavenly Father! You are important for such a time as this on the Earth, too. You are never alone when you invite the King of Kings to live inside you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Feel free to share this link on social media.
(The Secret Potter audio soon to be a video!)

The Secret Potter is the full text of Psalm 139 set to music. Jenifer Mahler and James Wirth co-wrote this epic piece demonstrating God’s love for us and His love for everything He created. The imprecatory section is difficult and demonstrates the pain of realizing the wicked are His enemy. Wicked as in having no light, as when a candle’s flame on the wick is blown out. We hate evil, not the people committing the evil. Be filled with peace and understand God’s heart by listening to this very personalized Psalm for you. Let it inspire you to always choose life no matter what!
The Secret Potter. Sheet music is available upon request if your church wants to perform this 14 minute epic Psalm.