I poured birdseed into two feeders the other day to prepare for the very cold temperatures we just received in Texas. I hadn’t fed the birds in probably 2-3 years so this was going to be a treat for me as well as for my feathered friends. Filled to the brim with good stuff, I then sat back and waited for all the birds to show up. And I waited. And I waited some more. And then I realized there’s a little lesson here of which the Father reminded me: My waiting is just like the Father’s when He sets a banquet before humanity with all kinds of wonderful things: only where are His invited guests? Why have they not shown up? He is so excited to share His table with us that He fairly bubbles over with excitement in the hopes of soon seeing someone come to feast at His table. When the blue jays, cardinals, Swensen’s Warblers, sparrows, and finches finally came, I was overjoyed and completely delighted to simply watch these little creatures enjoy the spread I laid out for them. Pretty simple…similar to how God our Father delights in us when we come to His table to enjoy His meat and drink in all forms of blessings with no thoughts of condemnation or shame. Come to the table and feast!

The design is by Anita Goodesign. Enjoy!