What did Adam do? What have I done? What have you done? And who will clean up the mess? This song was composed by a friend who was a Methodist minister for 40 years. (He also happens to be an extraordinary musician who loves hymns. But not just hymns sung the same old way you’ve always heard them! He has his own unique styling of them that brings them alive to this generation!) This song is a totally original piece that needs to be heard to remind us of the mess we made of our lives, who paid the price for our mess, and who became our beautiful redeemer.
From tears to triumph! Storytelling at its finest! Enjoy!
If you like this piece, you’ll enjoy his other songs, too. This is from the album “Who Says” by Jim Radford. Take a look at JimRadfordMusic.com
What Adam’s Done is used with permission of the composer, Jim Radford
Outstanding! Such a glorious message wrapped in fine musicianship. Really enjoyed Jim’s voice, orchestration, and keyboard!